March 23, 2020

Virginia Tax is committed to keeping you informed as the coronavirus/ COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve. We’re continuing to process returns and issue refunds as usual.  

We will update this page as the situation develops.  

Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic 

Governor Northam has outlined several steps to provide tax relief to citizens during this time. 

Income Tax Payment Extension & Penalty Waiver 

Any income tax payments due during the time period of April 1, 2020, to June 1, 2020, will now be due on June 1, 2020. This includes individual and corporate income taxes paid to Virginia Tax. The extension applies to taxable year (TY) 2019 final payments and extension payments, and the first estimated payment for TY 2020.

Late payment penalties will not be charged if payments are made by June 1, 2020.  

In addition, Governor Northam has submitted a budget amendment to House Bill 29 and House Bill 30 to waive interest on income tax payments originally due during the period from April 1, 2020 to June 1, 2020 if payment is made by June 1, 2020. If approved by the General Assembly at their April 22 reconvened session, this waiver of interest would apply to TY 2019 final payments and extension payments. Any addition to tax otherwise applicable to estimated payments for the first quarter of TY 2020 would also be waived, provided the payment is made by June 1, 2020.

All income tax filing deadlines remain the same, including the May 1, 2020 individual income tax filing due date. However, Virginia does already have an automatic, 6-month extension to file (7 months for certain corporations). If you file during the extension period, make sure you still pay any taxes owed by June 1, 2020 to avoid penalties.

If you pay at least 90% of your tax liability by June 1, 2020, no penalties are imposed as long as you file your return and pay the remaining amount of your tax liability by November 1, 2020.

For more information:

Sales Tax Filing and Payment Extension & Penalty Waiver

Businesses impacted by coronavirus can request an extension of the due date for filing and payment of their February 2020 sales tax return due March 20, 2020, for 30 days. When granted, businesses will be able to file and pay no later than April 20, 2020 with a waiver of any penalties.

In addition, Governor Northam has submitted a budget amendment to House Bill 29 and House Bill 30 to waive interest on late payments for any sales tax payment originally due March 20, 2020, for which we granted a waiver of penalty. If approved by the General Assembly at their April 22 reconvened session, this waiver of interest would apply to those qualifying payments received on or before April 20, 2020.

For more information, see Virginia Tax Bulletin 20-3: Option to Request Extension of Sales Tax Deadlines for those Affected by the COVID-19 Crisis (pdf).

Coronavirus-Related Scams - Tips for Protecting Your Information

We have received reports of increased activities from scammers exploiting the current lack of stability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To avoid falling victim to schemes from phishing, fraud, and ransomware, please take note of these general reminders for protecting your information:

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited requests for sensitive information. 
  • Be wary of surprise communications with links, attachments, buttons, etc. 
  • Do not let attackers use emotional stressors to coax you into hasty actions.
  • When in doubt, call the organization the person claims to be representing using a publicly available phone number.

Find additional details about avoiding Coronavirus scams from the IRS here

Stay Informed 

Cashier's Office Closed

Due to guidance regarding social distancing our cashier's office is now closed.

At this time, we can’t accept cash payments. See for payment options.

You can drop off checks and money orders to our drop box located at 1957 Westmoreland St., Richmond. Please include form CP-1 (found at the drop box) with your payment.

Questions? Contact Us.