Major Business Facility Job Credit

Companies engaged in any business in Virginia, except for retail trade business, may claim a Virginia Jobs Tax Credit if the taxpayer creates new full-time jobs in excess of the threshold amounts established for 1 of the 2 credit tiers. A qualified major business facility may spread the credit allowed per qualified full-time employee over 2 taxable years. The thresholds for the 2 credit tiers are:

  • Tier 1: The qualifying threshold amount is 100 new jobs for the establishment or expansion of a major business facility in Virginia. Note: For taxpayers whose expansion year began on or after Jan. 1, 2010, the threshold has been reduced to 50 new jobs.
  • Tier 2: The qualifying threshold amount is 50 new jobs for the establishment or expansion of a major business facility in a locality identified by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership as an economically distressed area or has been designated as an Enterprise Zone. Note: For taxpayers whose expansion year began on or after Jan. 1, 2010, the threshold has been reduced to 25 new jobs.

Taxpayers can qualify for and claim a credit for only 1 tier per facility. Credits are subject to recapture if employment decreases during the 5 years following the credit year.

The credit year is defined as the first taxable year following the taxable year in which the major business facility was established or expanded. The credit is earned in 1/3 increments over 3 taxable years beginning with the credit year. Note: For taxable years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2009, the credit can be earned in 1/2 increments over a 2-year period. The allowable credit may not exceed your tax liability. Unused credits may be carried forward for 10 years. Credits will be recaptured proportionately if employment decreases during the 5 years following the initial credit year. Compute on Form 304.

The credit allows a qualifying business to receive both an Enterprise Zone grant and a Major Business Facility Tax Credit. The grant and tax credit can't be earned/claimed for the same job.

The taxpayer can't claim the Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit and the Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit, the Clean Fuel Vehicle and Advanced Cellulosic Biofuels Job Credit or the Green Job Creation Tax Credit.

Individual filers complete Schedule CR, Part IX, and corporate filers complete Form 500CR, Part X, to claim this credit.

How to apply

All major business applications (Form 304) must be submitted 90 days before filing your return. Send your application to Virginia Tax, Tax Credit Unit, PO Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218-0715. Form 304 is no longer part of your income tax return. This credit requires certification from the Tax Credit Unit to be claimed on your tax return. We will send you a letter to certify the credit.

Reference:  Va. Code § 58.1-439. 

Major Research and Development Tax Credit

For taxable years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2016, but before Jan. 1, 2022, a taxpayer with Virginia qualified research and development expenses for the taxable year in excess of $5 million will be allowed a nonrefundable tax credit against the tax levied as stated in Va. Code § 58.1-320 or 58.1-400 in an amount equal to 10% of the difference between the Virginia qualified research and development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year and 50% of the average Virginia qualified research and development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year for which the credit is being determined. If the taxpayer didn't pay or incur Virginia qualified research and development expenses in any 1 of the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year for which the credit is being determined, the tax credit will equal 5% of the Virginia qualified research and development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the relevant taxable year.

No more than $20 million in tax credits can be issued in any fiscal year. If the approved applications for the tax credits allowed under this section exceed $20 million for any taxable year, Virginia Tax will apportion the credits by dividing $20 million by the total amount of tax credits approved, to determine the percentage of allowed tax credits each taxpayer will receive.

The amount of the credit claimed for the taxable year will not exceed 75% of the total amount of tax imposed by this chapter upon the taxpayer for the taxable year. Any credit not usable for the taxable year for which the credit was first allowed may be carried over for credit against the income taxes of the taxpayer in the next 10 succeeding taxable years or until the total amount of the tax credit has been taken, whichever is sooner.

Any taxpayer who claims the tax credit for Virginia qualified research and development expenses in keeping with this section can't use the expenses as the basis for claiming any other credit provided under the Code of Virginia.

How to apply

We must receive applications for the tax credit no later than July 1 of the calendar year following the close of the taxable year in which the expenses were paid or incurred.

Businesses must apply by July 1 using​ Form MRD. To compute the Virginia Base Amount for Form MRD, use our spreadsheet.

Submitting a late application will disqualify you from the credit.

Send your application to:

Virginia Tax
Tax Credit Unit
PO Box 715
Richmond, VA 23218-0715.

This credit requires certification from the Tax Credit Unit to be claimed on your tax return. We will send you a letter to certify the credit. 

Credits granted to a partnership, limited liability company, or electing small business corporation (S corporation) will be allocated to the individual partners, members, or shareholders, respectively, in proportion to their ownership interests in these entities or in accordance with a written agreement entered into by the individual partners, members, or shareholders using Form PTE within 30 days after the credit is granted unless the partnership, limited liability company, or electing small business corporation (S corporation) elects for the credits not to be allocated but to be received and claimed at the entity level by the partnership, limited liability company, or electing small business corporation (S corporation).

No tax credit will be allowed for any expenses that are paid for or incurred by a taxpayer for research conducted in Virginia on human cells or tissue derived from induced abortions or from stem cells obtained from human embryos. This provision does not apply to research conducted using stem cells other than embryonic stem cells.

Reference: Va. Code § 58.1-439.12:11.   

Qualified Equity and Subordinated Debt Investments Credit

How to qualify 

This credit is available to individual and fiduciary taxpayers making a qualified investment in the form of equity or subordinated debt in a pre-qualified small business venture. Businesses must file Form QBA by Dec. 31 of the year that they request qualification. The business must reapply each year to maintain qualification. Investors must file Form EDC by April 1 of the year following the investment to apply for their credit. Submitting a late application will disqualify you for the credit. Send your application to Virginia Tax, Tax Credit Unit, PO Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218 - 0715. We will notify investors of the amount of their authorized credit by June 30.

Qualified investment

Qualified investment means a cash investment in a qualified business in the form of equity or subordinated debt; however, an investment will not be qualified if the taxpayer who holds an investment, or any of the taxpayer's family members, or any entity affiliated with the taxpayer, receives or has received compensation from the qualified business in exchange for services provided to the business as an employee, officer, director, manager, or independent contractor within 1 year before or after the date of the investment. Reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred will not be deemed as compensation.

Commercialization investment

Commercialization investment means a qualified investment in a qualified business that was created to commercialize research developed at or in partnership with an institution of higher education.


Equity means common stock or preferred stock, regardless of class or series, of a corporation; a partnership interest in a limited partnership; or a membership interest in a limited liability company, which is not required or subject to an option on the part of the taxpayer to be redeemed by the issuer within 3 years from the date of issuance. No equity investment will qualify for this credit if it is required to be redeemed or subject to an option to be redeemed by the issuer within 5 years of the date of issuance.

Subordinated debt

Subordinated debt means indebtedness of a corporation, general or limited partnership, or limited liability company that by its terms required no repayment of principal for the first 3 years after issuance; is not guaranteed by any other person or secured by any assets of the issuer or any other person; and is subordinated to all indebtedness and obligations of the issuer to national or state-chartered banking or savings and loan institutions.

Qualified business

Effective Jan. 1, 2009, a qualified business means a business which:

  • has annual gross revenues of no more than $3 million in its most recent fiscal year
  • has its principal office or facility in Virginia
  • is engaged in business primarily in or does substantially all of its production in Virginia
  • has not obtained during its existence more than $3 million in aggregate gross cash proceeds from the issuance of its equity or debt investments (not including commercial loans from chartered banking or savings and loan institutions)
  • is primarily engaged, or is primarily organized to engage, in the fields of advanced computing, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, agricultural technologies, biotechnology, electronic device technology, energy, environmental technology, information technology, medical device technology, nanotechnology, or any similar technology-related field determined by regulation by Virginia Tax to fall under the purview of this section.
How much is the credit?

The credit is equal to 50% of the qualified business investments made during the taxable year. If total annual requests for the credit exceed $5 million for the tax year, we will prorate the credit for each taxpayer.

The credit a taxpayer may claim per taxable year may not exceed the credit authorized by Virginia Tax, $50,000, or the income tax liability on that year's return, whichever is less. The credit is nonrefundable. Unused credits may be carried forward up to 15 years.

This credit may be allocated among owners in proportion to each owner's percentage of ownership or interest in the pass-through entity, or as the owners mutually agree, or as provided in the partnership agreement or other entity document using Form PTE within 30 days after the credit is granted but at least 90 days before filing an income tax return.

How to claim the credit

Complete Schedule CR, Part XV, to claim this credit. Note: Since we do not complete authorization of these credits until June 30 each year, taxpayers with a May 1 due date will need to file for an extension or file an amended return to claim this credit.

Reference:  Va. Code § 58.1-339.4   

Research and Development Tax Credit (Refundable)

Allows a refundable income tax credit for individuals and businesses for qualified research and development expenses for taxable years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2011, but before Jan. 1, 2022.

Effective for taxable years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2016, the tax credit amounts are:

  • 15% of the first $300,000 in Virginia qualified research and development expenses, or
  • 20% of the first $300,000 of Virginia qualified research and development expenses if the research was conducted in conjunction with a Virginia public or private college or university, to the extent the expenses exceed a base amount.

There is a $7 million cap on the total amount of credits allowed in any fiscal year.

Virginia Tax will require taxpayers applying for the credit to provide information including:

  1. The number of full-time employees employed by the taxpayer in the Commonwealth during the taxable year for which the credit is sought;
  2. The taxpayer's sector or sectors according to the 2012 edition of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as published by the United States Census Bureau;
  3. A brief description of the area, discipline, or field of Virginia qualified research performed by the taxpayer;
  4. The total gross receipts or anticipated total gross receipts of the taxpayer for the taxable year for which the credit is sought;
  5. Whether the Virginia qualified research was conducted in conjunction with a Virginia public or private college or university.

Credit applications are due July 1. Submitting a late application will disqualify you for the credit.

Businesses use Form RDC to apply.

There are 2 options to calculate the credit - use the spreadsheets below to calculate the Virginia Base Amount for the credit: 

All applications must be sent to:

Virginia Department of Taxation 
Tax Credit Unit
P.O. Box 715
Richmond, VA 23218-0715

This credit requires certification from the Tax Credit Unit to be claimed on your tax return. After reviewing the application, we will send a letter certifying the credit.

This credit may be allocated among owners in proportion to each owner's percentage of ownership or interest in the pass-through entity, or as the owners mutually agree, or as provided in the partnership agreement or other entity document using Form PTE within 30 days after the credit is granted but at least 90 days before filing an income tax return. Effective for tax year 2014, pass-through entities may elect to claim the entire granted amount at the entity level.

Any taxpayer who claims the tax credit for Virginia qualified research and development expenses pursuant to this section shall not use such expenses as the basis for claiming any other credit provided under the Code of Virginia. Additionally, the taxpayer will not be eligible if research is conducted in the Commonwealth on human cells or tissue derived from induced abortions or from stem cells obtained from human embryos. The foregoing provision shall not apply to research conducted using stem cells other than embryonic stem cells.

If the total qualified expenses are in excess of $5,000,000 you must apply for the Major Research and Development Tax Credit

Reference: Virginia Code 58.1-439.12:08

Worker Retraining Tax Credit

What is it?

A tax credit equal to:

  • 30% of the costs of providing eligible worker retraining to qualified workers. Claim this credit against your individual income tax, fiduciary income tax, corporation income tax, bank franchise tax, and taxes imposed on insurance companies and utilities, or
  • 35% of the direct costs of providing manufacturing training or instruction to middle and high school students. Claim this credit against your individual or corporation income tax beginning with taxable year 2018. 
What is eligible worker retraining?
What is manufacturing training or instruction for middle and high school students?

Programs offered by manufacturers that:

  • Provide orientation, instruction, or training in the type of manufacturing the business in engaged in,
  • Are for students in grades 6 through 12,
  • Are coordinated with the local school district, 
  • Are held at the business’s plant or facility, or a public middle or high school, and
  • Are certified by the VEDP.

These programs qualify for this credit beginning in taxable year 2018.

How much is the credit, and is there a cap?

Eligible worker retraining: 30% of all classroom training costs. The credit is limited to $200 per student per year if the training takes place in a private school, or $300 per qualified employees being retrained into a STEM or STEAM discipline.  

Manufacturing training for middle and high school students: 35% of direct costs associated with the training. No one manufacturer can claim more than $2,000 credit per year.

We are authorized to issue up to $2,500,000 of retraining credits annually (the cap will be $1 million beginning tax year 2018). If total requested credits exceed this amount, we will prorate the authorized credits.

Is this credit refundable?

No. Your credit cannot be greater than your tax liability. You may carry forward any unused credits for 3 years. 

Credit certification

Apply for certification by completing Form WRC and sending to the appropriate address for the type of program the credit is based on. 

Mail applications to VEDP if the credit is based on 

  • noncredit courses, or
  • manufacturing orientation, instruction and training, or
  • any combination of noncredit courses, manufacturing orientation, instruction and training, or apprenticeships

Mail applications to Virginia Tax’s Tax Credit Unit if the credit is based on apprenticeships alone.

How to claim the credit

Individual and fiduciary filers, complete Schedule CR.

Corporate filers, complete Schedule 500 CR.

Other information

For information on pre-approved apprenticeship programs, contact your Virginia Department of Labor and Industry apprenticeship representative. For information on non-credit course approval, contact VEDP.

The amount of the credit attributable to a partnership, electing small business corporation (S corporation), or limited liability company must be allocated to the individual partners, shareholders, or members in proportion to their ownership or interest within the business entity using Form PTE within 30 days after the credit is granted.

For more information, please see our Worker Retraining Tax Credit Guidelines.