Legislation passed by the 2002 General Assembly allows you to make donations directly to Virginia's General Fund by writing a check payable to the State Treasurer and designating it as a donation to the Commonwealth's General Fund. To ensure proper accounting for these donations, you must attach your payment to Form GFD and mail to Virginia Department of Taxation, PO Box 2468, Richmond, VA 23218-2468. Although you may submit your check and Form GFD with your income tax return, there is no refund checkoff provision for these donations, and the donation should not be combined in a single check with the payment for any balance due on your return.

General Fund Donors

The Commonwealth of Virginia wishes to recognize the following individuals and businesses who have made donations to the Commonwealth's General Fund:

  • The Honorable Robert B. Bell
  • Andrew K. Kohlhepp
  • John E. Meyers
  • D. Nick Rerras
  • George M. and Milena S. VanSant
  • Russell H. Kidwell III
  • Barbara J. and Elwyn C. Comstock